понедельник, 16 мая 2011 г.

miranda lambert album cover

miranda lambert album cover. miranda lambert revolution
  • miranda lambert revolution

  • Penfold2711
    Apr 21, 07:02 AM
    I love the title simply because it reads like its discussing Steve Jobs' involvement in fragmenting Android :D

    Maybe thats why Steve has gone missing he's on a secret mission I can imagine Steve in dark glasses a trench coat and a hat running around google HQ with his macbook pro as we speak :D

    miranda lambert album cover. +miranda+lambert+album+
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  • edifyingGerbil
    Apr 23, 05:28 PM
    It's easily possible for a European atheist to not be exposed to religion, grow up happily with their own set of ethics and morals, and never be challenged over their lack of belief. Intellectually lazy? Not really... why should anyone have to jump through hoops to prove the non existence of a god?

    You're quite right, and I agree that people are free to believe whatever they want. However, if they just believe something because "it's always been that way" or some other arbitrary reason then I don't have to respect them or take their beliefs seriously.

    I've found the response of some of the devout atheist posters in this thread very interesting, some of the others are of the "God doesn't exist, meh" camp, who I just ignore.

    miranda lambert album cover. miranda lambert fat photos.
  • miranda lambert fat photos.

  • NT1440
    Mar 16, 10:58 AM
    For those of you advocating the elimination or reduction of nuke power, just realize that the only feasible alternative currently is...
    Drill baby, drill!

    While I have misgivings about Nuclear power I do think it is a good midrange solution to our problems until we can solve our battery problems (thus enabling true renewable energy sources to be viable), drilling isn't a viable solution to anything.

    The US doesn't have the resources to provide for our society on our own. Not to mention that the whole process of drilling can take decades (meaning 10+ years, not something like 20+) to play through to the point where steady production can begin. You can't just go out and drill, even if you find something you have to set up the supporting infrastructure first before it is viable.

    miranda lambert album cover. miranda lambert album
  • miranda lambert album

  • Hellhammer
    Mar 13, 03:56 PM
    A large (think 100milesx100miles) solar array in death valley for example, could power the entire Continental US.

    The biggest wind farm in the world provides around 2MW/km^2. Your 100milesX100miles plant would only provide around 52 000MW (52GW) of power with same ratio. USA's power consumption in 2005 was 29PWh. I don't know how exactly this things can be converted but Fukushima I has installed power of 4.7GW and provides 25.8GWh each year while the biggest wind farm has installed capacity of 781MW. The plant you described would be around 10 times more powerful than the Fukushima but even then, it could provide around 250GWh which is a fraction of 29PWh.

    Solar plants are better (80MW/km^2) but 10PWh is still far from 29PWh.

    If someone knows how to convert these things properly or has more info on this, please educate me/us.

    miranda lambert album cover. Miranda Lambert/Columbia
  • Miranda Lambert/Columbia

  • KingYaba
    Aug 29, 05:30 PM
    GreenPeace's new agenda: Save the iPods :rolleyes:

    miranda lambert album cover. miranda lambert album artwork.
  • miranda lambert album artwork.

  • macUser2007
    Feb 22, 05:37 PM
    The iPhone is great, IMO.

    BUT, Android 2+ is getting to be a real contender. Donut may just be the one to take it to the next level. Notably, the new Androids have not been cheap clones, but rather well-thought out, feature-rich sets, like the Nexus One. With AMOLED screens larger than the iPhone's and robust hardware (e.g. better on-board GPS than the iPhone), I wouldn't be surprised if they take market-share aware from the iPhone.

    I also think the "killer app" for the general population will be Flash, when it becomes available on the new sets. Suddenly, the iPhone will be the only large screen smartphone without access to the the full web.

    For the iPad the lack of Flash will be a much larger problem. There are a bunch of tablets coming out, some sporting Android 2.x, all of which will run full Flash, and be able to access the full web. On larger screens, mobile versions of major sites suck, and some do not work at all.

    And the general consumers don't really care when some sweaty geek foams at the mouth how much he hates Flash. They just want to be able to see all of the web, in its full Flash glory.

    miranda lambert album cover. Miranda Lambert - Revolution
  • Miranda Lambert - Revolution

  • lilo777
    Apr 20, 08:44 PM
    Want an LTE phone that can make it through the day? Sorry.

    Also try physical keyboards, NFC, OLED screens, WiMax etc. As far as making it through the day is concerned, I can show you how to drain iPhone's battery in 6 hours. What's your point? Use LTE when you need it.

    Nope, doesn't work that way for many viruses. Even if you have show hidden files and folders and show hidden system files check to show they still don't necessarily show thats the problem, its either a bug in the OS or something legit that people are exploiting. You can't even get them in command prompt but you can see them when plugged into other OS's. They are usually in a folder along with a script that does something to keep them hidden, or something somewhere else keeps them hidden.

    There is no bugs or any magic there. If the file exists in the file system Windows will show it. Virus removal has nothing to do with it. Malicious files may be hidden in the files saved for restoring older states. "Virus" may be running special processes that keep something in RAM and then restore malicious files if the user removes them. There are all kinds of scenarios but they are not unique to Windows. Before Vista, Windows access right system was messed up but that's the past. There are no viruses in newer versions of Windows anymore.

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  • No1451
    Oct 7, 11:53 AM
    Of course Android might surpass the iPhone. The iPhone is limited to 1 device whereas the Android is spanned over many more devices and will continue to branch out.

    miranda lambert album cover. miranda lambert album cover.
  • miranda lambert album cover.

  • fpnc
    Mar 20, 11:36 PM
    I doubt Apple would waste their time and go after and sue the people who used this program and broke the iTunes contract. It seems like a relatively trivial matter. (But after looking at their thinksecret lawsuit, I don't know).

    My comments were about the people who wrote the software, not those that just use it. It's the PyMusique programmers that may face legal troubles, while those who merely use the software may or may not face consequences (I suspect that the worse for them might be termination of their iTunes account, in which case they won't have to worry any longer about iTunes DRM).

    miranda lambert album cover. miranda lambert album cover.
  • miranda lambert album cover.

  • AJsAWiz
    Aug 31, 06:38 PM
    It's not just "newbies" that have excessive dropped calls on AT&T (and the iPhone in particular). If you really think it is, you haven't been paying attention to this board for the last three years.

    I agree. I've been with AT&T since the original iPhone. Reception had been fine up until about a year ago. I, now, have the 3 GS and have had nothing but trouble, with dropped calls and weak inconsistent or non existent signals, for well over the past year or so. I've made multiple calls to AT&T to no avail. Some reps even refuse to acknowledge the problem. The bottom line is that my current contract ends in January 2011. So, I'll more than likely jump the iPhone ship and migrate to the Android then. It's a shame because . . . as David Letterman said . . . you can do everything on an iPhone but make and receive calls :p

    Side note:
    AT&T's customer service has been so bad I even dropped their home phone service and went to another provider.

    miranda lambert album cover. revolution miranda lambert
  • revolution miranda lambert

  • bartelby
    Mar 12, 03:47 AM
    The main island of Japan, the complete land mass, has moved sideways by eight feet (about 2.5 metres). And the earth, the entire planet, has shifted on its axis by about four inches (10cm)... according to geophysicists reported over at CNN. (http://edition.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/asiapcf/03/12/japan.earthquake.tsunami.earth/index.html)

    That's insane!

    miranda lambert album cover. miranda lambert kerosene album
  • miranda lambert kerosene album

  • .Andy
    Apr 26, 05:32 PM
    Have we just passed through the looking glass? :confused:
    The Nun Bun looks delicious.

    miranda lambert album cover. miranda lambert kerosene album
  • miranda lambert kerosene album

  • aegisdesign
    Oct 26, 05:11 AM

    I've used one. Back in the 1980s, beginning of the 90s. The low end model had 1024 processors and the high end model 4096 processors. It was a pig to program. When drawing on the screen you split the task at hand up into many parallel threads each drawing a part of the screen. Not quite 1 CPU per pixel but you get the idea.

    miranda lambert album cover. miranda lambert album
  • miranda lambert album

  • jegbook
    Apr 12, 04:06 PM
    The delete thing bothers me a bit. What do you mean you can't move up? You mean with backspace? There is a preference in finder to show entire path so I never have trouble navigating up folder structure. If you are used to Vista and leaning toward 7, perhaps OS X isn't for you.

    It's really not about how I delete things, nor is it about the pretty colors. It's about how much of my time I have to spend futzing with stuff like broken drivers, missing printers, yada yada yada.

    I will admit I wasted a few hours this week chasing a Time Machine issue but that's about all the futzing I've had to do since about November. I'm willing to deal with the limitations and quirks of OS X because OS X doesn't waste my time. And it wasn't something I had to do in order to send my taxes or print out show tickets. I did it when I felt like I had the time, unlike so many windows problems that crop up on the way to an important meeting. I haven't seen an "are you sure" on my Mac since I got it. To me sometimes it seems like Windows was written to harvest clicks while OS X was written to avoid unnecessary user intervention.

    Sure there are some quirks. Like the way copied folders are replaced, not merged with destination folders. Like the missing "cut" and "delete" features. But for me these quirks are no big deal and I look forward to sitting down in front of my Mac after suffering with 7 all day at work. But what we say in this thread isn't necessarily relevant to your situation. Based on what we have described, you can get a sense as to how "different" OS X is. To me, it's really not that much different. What is more important is how different it is to you and whether it bothers you.

    Your comment about "suffering with 7 all day" is surprising to me. I don't know if I've seen Windows 7 experience a full OS crash. And I've been toying with Win 7 since it was in beta.

    Sure, it ain't perfect, but I find Win 7 pretty darn efficient overall. I haven't encountered any OS related issues with 7 yet. Application quirks, sure, but not really any OS problems.

    I'd say OS X and Win 7 are much more comparable than Vista or XP.

    Again, it comes down mostly to what you need a computer to do.

    Cheers, all.

    miranda lambert album cover. miranda lambert kerosene album
  • miranda lambert kerosene album

  • MadeTheSwitch
    Apr 26, 07:34 AM
    Interesting question. One of my thoughts on why people follow a religion are that they were raised with it, so it becomes a tradition. You just do it because you always have done it without much thought to it. This one is an especially hard reason to overcome, because as a child, you want to believe that your parents and family have all the answers. It's hard to admit that they don't or that they led you down a wrong path. But you have to ask yourself, if you crash landed on an island as a small child (a la Blue Lagoon), would you be following Islam, Christianity or any of the established religions? No, you would not. You wouldn't even KNOW about them. So religion is largely handed down socially. It's even geographical in nature to a large extent.

    Another reason would be that some people need to believe in something. That whole "if God didn't exist man would invent him" thing. A lot of people on this planet have a hard time explaining their purpose here without some divine reason. Religion fills that void. In the "Blue Lagoon" example from above, it's possible that the small children would grow up, think about their place in this world, and start their own religion, customs and rules.

    miranda lambert album cover. miranda lambert kerosene album
  • miranda lambert kerosene album

  • Mlrollin91
    May 5, 10:51 AM
    I'm in SoCal, when I was on Verizon I had 1-3 drop calls a week. I've been on AT&T for a little over 18 months, and have had 1 drop call. The conversation was over 2.5 hours as well, so something that long is bound to drop eventually.

    miranda lambert album cover. miranda lambert album
  • miranda lambert album

  • Taz Mangus
    Apr 21, 03:05 PM
    Look Android lovers... this is an Apple site. You don't need to call us "Fanboys" in a condescending way here. We are here because we love our Macs, iOS devices or we develop for them and like to keep up on the news. Yes... many here are "fanboys".

    We don't care about your customization, your 4G, your ability to steal music or video. It's stupid. You do know you can do all that on an iPhone too (with the exception of 4G - but who cares, very little markets have it). Yes, iTunes manages our music, apps and video, but I can add songs and videos from anywhere... just like you. If I want to be a geek and customize, I can jail break my phone and do all sorts of crazy things. You do realize the average consumer out there could care less right? They just want it to work.

    So, anyway... go love your Droid device. It is a nice platform. But sorry to say, it's not going to kill the iPhone or iOS. Apple is good at what it does and consumers love it. Their sales continue to show it.

    And, like it or not, Apple is the most influential high-tech company out there right now. They've done more for the PC and the Mobile industry than any other company in the last decade. You should be happy Apple exists as they've woken up many manufactures in the market as to what consumers care about. Quality product. Consistent experience and superior service.

    Please... if you want to impress your friends with your customized HTC Thunderbolt, go over to the Android forum and beat your chest and stop the pissing contest here. There's pluses and minuses on both sides and we could argue all day with no productive end result.

    Wow! One of the best posts I have read in a long while. Quite refreshing and truthful. Thanks. :D

    miranda lambert album cover. miranda lambert album art.
  • miranda lambert album art.

  • Edge100
    Apr 15, 12:09 PM
    Right, because civil marriage is required for gays to have sex with each other. Nobody is forcing you to do anything. You can have sex with whomever you want to.

    We're talking about gay Catholics here, who ostensibly value being Catholic more than they value satisfying their sexual desires in a manner compatible with their sexuality. There is no theocratic regime forcing them to live as Catholics in good standing - it is a personal lifestyle choice, if you will.

    I absolutely agree with you; there is no compulsion for anyone to be Catholic (well, that's not strictly true, since people are often forced to accept Catholicism as children, before they are capable of making the decision for themselves).

    But that doesn't in any way imply that the position of the Catholic church on this issue (and so, so, so many others) isn't hateful and discriminatory.

    Tell me again: do condoms help prevent the spread of HIV (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=condom%20hiv%20transmission), or do they actually cause the spread of HIV (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/7014335.stm)? Which was it? I can't recall.

    miranda lambert album cover. revolution miranda lambert
  • revolution miranda lambert

  • blastvurt
    Apr 28, 09:57 AM
    I just think Apple is making a mistake by not making some low end machines.

    I know many here go OMG SHOCK HORROR about anything not made from Aluminium and Unicorn Horn Dust, but in reality, it would pay them, long term to make some nice looking plastic low end machines.

    You can make plastic and metal trim things still have a nice finish.

    Families walk into stores in the UK, I'm not sure about the US and look at the vast, and I mean VAST array of nice, in their mind, looking PC Laptops, perhaps to buy one for the wife, or one for the kids at school. They may walk past the small Apple table, see the near �1000 price tag, and think, yeah, right, like we're going to get one of those. I could get two good spec'd windows Laptops for that price.

    I know people here will disagree as many are in a different wage bracket to "normal consumers" but I can tell you, most people are not going to throw down a grand for a computer for the kids to take to school.

    As the only REAL difference between a PC and a Mac these days is the OS it's running, there is no reason Apple could not make a laptop directly at the price point of a medium to low end Windows laptop and then, people may buy them, and perhaps get used to OS X and in years to come go for an iMac.

    When you head to the lower end of the market in terms of price, the margins tend to get slimmer, when looking at Apple's pricing and product designs it suggests its not how they operate.

    Apr 15, 12:38 PM
    I've never understood this. Do you really think there are Catholics in Africa who are saying "I really want to have pre-marital sex/sleep with this prostitute/rape this woman, but oh darn, the Pope says condoms are a sin"? Do you not see why that's a little strange?

    This brand of obfuscation, while par for the course, is growing tiresome. The Catholic church has actively discouraged the distribution of condoms, even to couples where one partner is HIV sero-positive, and the other is HIV sero-negative.

    What's worse is that the Catholic church has actively discouraged the distribution of condoms to non-married people, with the notion that because the invisible creator of the universe has a distaste for latex, an agonizing death from HIV/AIDS is an appropriate punishment for pre-marital sex.

    The Catholic church doesn't care about people; it cares about sex. A group that cared about people would say "You should consider not having sex with multiple partners. However, human nature being what it is, if you do have sex with multiple partners, use a condom so that you don't end up dying from a horrible disease."

    THAT would be a reasonable message.

    If someone in the church actually lied about the efficacy of condoms, then shame on them, but I don't see what the point would be.

    Not just "someone" in the church; we're talking about the Pope here.

    I'm sure abstinence-only education doesn't "work" if you define "working" as guaranteeing no one will have sex before marriage then I'm sure you're right. But teaching kids that sex is serious and not a game might have positive effects you're not considering.

    I absolutely agree with the last statement. Sex is serious, but not because an invisible god says so; because it is, in reality, serious.

    Teach abstinence; but also teach that if you choose not to be abstinent, you should protect yourself. To do the former without the latter is inexcusably stupid.

    You misunderstood, but maybe I could have worded it better. A person being raped makes an effort to resist, assuming they are conscious and able to resist. A person willfully having sex isn't going to resist. That passage eliminates the possibility of a person having willful sex and then claiming that they were raped in order to avoid the consequences.

    One is actually rape, the other isn't.

    No, rape is rape.

    But even if I grant you this point, the Bible still instructs us to kill adulterers. Do you support that?

    Apr 9, 09:32 AM
    So does that means you didn't like Jungle Hunt?

    Or that millions don't play WOW.

    Sep 26, 12:52 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    (expected later this quarter to PC manufacturers according to Daily Tech).

    That would mean sometime in the next 5 days.

    Apr 13, 09:54 AM
    Granted, I've never had use for some of FCP's more advanced features, but... looking at the screenshot, FCPX really looks like it features the UI modernization and cleanup it's needed for a long time now. Looks good to me, and the price even more so - I know the communication students at my university will be quite happy with the price.

    May 2, 09:18 AM
    As I understand it, Safari will open the zip file since it's a "safe" download. But that doesn't mean it'll execute the code within that zip file, so how is this malware executing without user permission?

    malware doesn't execute without user permission.

    it relies on tricking the user into giving it permission to run, striking at what is typically the weakest link in any computer's security: the user.

    any argument that XX isn't a threat, because it requires users to take an action in order to be truly dangerous, is a flawed argument, because in general, users are stupid, or at the very least, careless.

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