суббота, 7 мая 2011 г.

funny quotes from step brothers

funny quotes from step brothers

funny quotes from step brothers funny quotes from step brothers funny quotes from step brothers

funny quotes from step brothers funny quotes from step brothers funny quotes from step brothers

My health plan doesn't cover dental, so I enrolled my teeth as 32 dependents, each needing a complete physical once a year. ~Robert Brault, www.robertbrault.com

These martyrs of patriotism gave their lives for an idea. ~Schuyler Colfax

Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust - we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper. ~Albert Einstein, in The Saturday Evening Post, 26 October 1929

Never be the first to arrive at a party or the last to go home, and never, ever be both. ~David Brown, quoted in Reader's Digest "Quotable Quotes," April 2004

A steady job and a mutual fund is still the best defense against social security. ~Author Unknown

No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn. ~Hal Borland

The essence of life is the smile of round female bottoms, under the shadow of cosmic boredom. ~Guy de Maupassant

Courtship to marriage is as a very witty prologue to a very dull play. ~William Congreve, The Old Bachelor, 1693

I never drink coffee at lunch. I find it keeps me awake for the afternoon. ~Ronald Reagan

Man is a knot into which relationships are tied. ~Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Flight to Arras, 1942, translated from French by Lewis Galantiere

He who sings frightens away his ills. ~Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote

People that don't like cats haven't met the right one yet. ~Deborah A. Edwards

Sometimes a man imagines that he will lose himself if he gives himself, and keep himself if he hides himself. But the contrary takes place with terrible exactitude. ~Ernest Hello

No man is a failure who is enjoying life. ~William Feather

Action is the last resource of those who know not how to dream. ~Oscar Wilde

False eloquence is exaggeration; true eloquence is emphasis. ~William Alger

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful. ~Seneca the Younger

And as the seasons come and go, here's something you might like to know. There are fairies everywhere: under bushes, in the air, playing games just like you play, singing through their busy day. So listen, touch, and look around - in the air and on the ground. And if you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wing. ~Author Unknown

My adolescence progressed normally: enough misery to keep the death wish my usual state, an occasional high to keep me from actually taking the gas-pipe. ~Faye Moskowitz

One day of practice is like one day of clean living. It doesn't do you any good. ~Abe Lemmons

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