пятница, 13 мая 2011 г.

east asia map quiz

east asia map quiz. Map Quiz #11 (The New Europe
  • Map Quiz #11 (The New Europe

  • blahblah100
    Apr 28, 12:20 PM
    Please, don't buy Macs for your business. we IT support people love PCs, as these generate a lot of revenue for us.
    We love it every time a PC user calls us with problems and we get to charge $100's to solve them.:D

    Ah, Geek Squad... Do they let you drive the Bug?

    east asia map quiz. east+north+africa+map+quiz
  • east+north+africa+map+quiz

  • NathanMuir
    Mar 24, 07:26 PM
    When your moral beliefs or beliefs about human nature are bigoted and wrong, yes, we will attack you. Get used to it because that is the direction the world is moving, like it or not.

    So they can't do it to you, but you can do it to them?

    Remind me how that makes one different from them?

    That's hypocritical at best. :rolleyes:

    east asia map quiz. Labeled Map Of Europe.
  • Labeled Map Of Europe.

  • j5045096
    Oct 8, 08:13 AM
    So they're making predictions on the cell phone industry 3 years from now? Let see... 10 years ago I was using a Nokia 2100 on PrimeCo. 8 years ago I was using a Nokia 5100 on the then new Verizon. 6 years ago I was using a Nokia 8100 something on AT&T Wireless...err then Cingular...err was it BellSouth. Whatever. 4 years ago I was using a Motorola i something on Nextel. 2 years ago I was using an LG Chocolate on Verizon. Now I use an iPhone 3GS. And each phone I bought was sold to me by a company who said they had the best network, most innovate features blah blah blah.

    So in 10 years I went from a Nokia 2100 BRICK to an iPhone that sometimes allows me to leave my work laptop in the office when I come home because it can do everything I'll need to do from home or traveling. Even 2 years ago, the best I could do on my LG Chocolate was listen to some music and use an attempt at GPS on a phone.

    And these guys are predicting the industry 3 years from now when I'm not even sure what it'll look like 3 months from now? Please stop wasting your time and ours with articles like these.

    east asia map quiz. map of south america with
  • map of south america with

  • skellener
    Sep 12, 04:25 PM
    This is the perfect device for Apple to start selling subscriptions to shows to replace cable. Wouldn't you rather pay for only the shows that you watch?

    You are absolutely correct!

    Repeat after me...there will NEVER be a DVR from Apple...there will NEVER be a DVR from Apple...there will NEVER be a DVR from Apple...there will NEVER be a DVR from Apple...there will NEVER be a DVR from Apple...there will NEVER be a DVR from Apple...there will NEVER be a DVR from Apple...

    Apple does not want you to record television. They want you to purchase shows from iTunes! Case in point iTV.

    As fas as wouldn't I rather pay for only the shows I watch? Sure! But Apple's current pricing is much to prohibitive. It's cheaper for me to pay $50 a month for DirecTV with the HD option than to pay $2 a pop per tiny 320x240 (oops, excuse me 640x480) episode. The price needs to come down and the quality needs to go up (again) for me to ditch DirecTV. I would be happy to do it, if the price/quality meets my needs. Maybe by 2008?

    east asia map quiz. South East Asia Map Game: USA
  • South East Asia Map Game: USA

  • linux2mac
    Apr 28, 01:16 PM
    The fact this has turned into Apple haters galore is awesome!! Its funny watching them. I guess they are hoping all their Apple hate will make Windows more stable or "leading edge." ROFLMAO

    I love how Windows 8 will feature "Modern Reader." Sorry Windows fans but PDF readers have been built into Linux and OSX for a decade now. Go back to your "leading edge" Windows OS sites. Double LOL!!

    east asia map quiz. asia map centered onblank
  • asia map centered onblank

  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 15, 09:53 AM
    I'm a straight, white, middle class kid. And even I felt that was relevant to my own life and experiences. While they specifically talk about being gay, the message of how to deal with hardships when you grow up is still relevant.

    I'm in the same group and I saw the message and saw how it still relevant. I just wish they would make videos and focus on the other groups.
    Thinking back to those darker times a message like this would not of sank for me because I did not fit in with the LBGT group as I am straight.
    Now 10-15 years later as an adult I can see the message and agree it is relevent. But at the time not as good. Hence the reason why I feel they should also try to help out those straight kids who are for example fat and target them directly. Try to target straight kids as well.

    east asia map quiz. -africa asia capitals map Or
  • -africa asia capitals map Or

  • THX1139
    Jul 13, 02:40 AM
    if you don't need all the power you can get the mac pro is not for you, apple does not do a consumer tower and most likely never will, they simply must have a quad settup and if they have two configs of them (a 3GHz and a 2.66) they may as well keep the low end option on the same platform, this has been said again and again and again, conroe is not bad it just does not make sense for apple to use it in the mac pro, conroe goes in the imac.

    I wasn't saying that I don't need power, I just don't want to pay premium for quad processing with expensive overrated chips. And just because I don't want a Quad doesn't mean should be stuck with an iMac. I would be content with a Conroe running around 3GHZ in the currently shipping configurations. By your post, I get that you think the Conroe is for prosumer/home computers and the only "professional" level chip is Woodcrest. Apple has been shipping a mid-range G5 dual2.3 for quite awhile now. What's wrong with them shipping something similar with Conroe? Oh, wait... that would be wrong, because by your account, Conroe is NOT a professional chip. I disagree.

    east asia map quiz. Physical map of Asia
  • Physical map of Asia

  • Spectrum
    Aug 29, 01:42 PM
    Because it's not required, and not the law. If Apple was not complying with current EPA regulations, they'd be investigated by the US Government. Greenpeace is asking them to go beyond current laws, which are quite stringent as is.
    But if they really are environmentally conscious, they have no risk at all in releasing this information. If it is good news, it would bolster their standing. Put them at number one in the Eco-company category. Free publicity. So: what is stopping them?

    east asia map quiz. Asia Map Puzzle
  • Asia Map Puzzle

  • PCUser
    Oct 12, 06:06 PM
    MacCoaster, wouldn't it be more accurate to use clock() instead of time()? Here's with that change:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <time.h>
    #include <math.h>

    int main()

    east asia map quiz. east and southeast asia map
  • east and southeast asia map

  • rxse7en
    Oct 10, 08:13 AM
    Morning all,

    Two things. Guesstimates on release of quad-core Mac Pros (time to upgrade here). And MultiMedia, how do you like the Dell 24" LCDs?


    east asia map quiz. East Asia Interactive Map Quiz Software 7.0 Screenshot
  • East Asia Interactive Map Quiz Software 7.0 Screenshot

  • takao
    Mar 14, 06:17 PM
    there seem to be news breaking of an explosion at reactor 2 but without any more specifics so far

    edit: at the press conference http://www.ustream.tv/channel/nhk-world-tv the press seems to be 'tearing them a new one'

    so far from i have gathered:
    - explosion noises from the suppression pool
    - pressure in the suppression pool dropping (but might be damaged gauge)
    - personal is evacuated except direct operaters and personal required for water injections (even evacuated from reacter 1+3 operations)
    - 2.7 meters of the fuel rods exposed

    tecpo constantly trying to dodge questions on wether serious damages have been done to the containment vessel

    east asia map quiz. map East+asia+physical+map
  • map East+asia+physical+map

  • cr2sh
    Oct 7, 12:16 PM
    I thought we decided to ignore everything that barefeats has to say? They are not a reputable source at all, their tests are flawed and they have little metadata at all.... why even bother?

    east asia map quiz. Middle east asia map maker
  • Middle east asia map maker

  • alcaponek
    Apr 20, 05:18 PM
    It looks to me like they are waiting for the 2nd generation of LTE chips to implement it, arent they due to September as I heard somewhere ?

    east asia map quiz. East+asia+political+map
  • East+asia+political+map

  • *LTD*
    Apr 13, 05:51 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    Looks like Apple made it easier to use and the so-called "Pros" feel threatened by that because it takes less specialized knowledge to do impressive work. We might not be there yet, but in time even grandma can edit. You get the point.

    Part of the reason established IT folk feel so threatened by Apple.

    east asia map quiz. Middle East Map (Rivers) here!
  • Middle East Map (Rivers) here!

  • Blackcat
    Mar 19, 04:39 PM
    Firstly, let me say I'm against DRM if it restricts me using my own music I've paid for, but equally I see why artists don't want me uploading my iTunes Library to Gnutella.

    Now, this "I do it to help Linux" excuse, it's rubbish. I've no objection to people choosing Linux (I use it on several servers) but to then moan it can't do xyz is crazy. If you need to watch DVDs, access iTunes, play The Sims, use Word etc then you should be running an OS that can do those things not by hacking support by illegal means. I understand the frustration of not being supported, but again it was by choice, lobby Apple to do Linux iTunes.

    I applaud this software for giving me my usage rights back, but lets not make DVD Jon a hero of Linux, he just likes beating the system.

    east asia map quiz. east+north+africa+map+quiz
  • east+north+africa+map+quiz

  • takao
    Mar 14, 07:44 PM
    according to tepco a 8000+ microsievert 8mSV+) value of radiation has been measured on the power plant grounds

    yearly average dosage 2.4mSV

    and while the values have since then dropped again to lower levels the situation has become more serious than before

    east asia map quiz. South east knowneurope map
  • South east knowneurope map

  • samcraig
    Mar 18, 09:16 AM
    Enjoy Greedy corporate thieves who break the law because they're big enough to do so, emptying your wallet.

    You clearly have no knowledge of law whatsoever. AT&T made the biggest mistake of it's existence when it stupidly offered an Unlimited data plan, and then decided it couldn't support it. Since then, they've done everything in their power to back out of it.

    No matter what fine print they include in the contract, they cannot sell an unlimited data plan, and then limit it, in any way. I have the legal right to jailbreak phone, and I have the the contractual permission to use unlimited amounts of data from AT&T.

    Ironically, my monthly usage could be more than 3-4 gigabytes anyway...but that's not even close to the point. The point is how I use the data, and I have every right under the sun to use this data how I see fit. For web browsing, for location apps, for email, or for tethering.

    AT&T has no ability, under my contract, to invent a new category of usage in an attempt to limit my unlimited data. BUZZZZ! Wrong. Illegal. Breach.

    You yourself can grow up, adults don't lie down to be taken advantage of. Only little scared children do that.

    They didn't invent a new category. It's been there - and has always been in the TOS you signed. See the real problem (aside from your 5 year old tantrum) is that most people don't read the TOS before they sign.

    The TOS are long, would take a long time to read and process. But consumers are too quick to just want the shiny new toy in their hands and sign away not realizing what they're signing.

    But at the end of the day - that's not the company's fault. They are LEGALLY required to provide these documents so that a consumer CAN make decisions based on the terms.

    Just like Apple MUST restate their TOS when they change/update iTunes with new features, etc.

    But most people just click through and only "cry" post-facto when they get caught in something they feel is "unfair"

    As a whole, most of the general public has been trained to be lazy - and that's why lawyers make a mint with frivolous lawsuits - regardless of merit or whether or not whatever side wins.

    So back to your point - you signed a contract which outlined SPECIFIC usage for your unlimited data. ATT is now enforcing those policies. The fact that they waited or didn't enforce them previously is irrelevant.

    east asia map quiz. southeast asia map quiz. game
  • southeast asia map quiz. game

  • maclaptop
    May 2, 02:13 PM
    so much for the no malware on macs myth :D
    funny how the apple fanboys are getting all defensive :rolleyes:

    Bravo, this is the funniest post ever.

    I bet there's a lot of fan bois with soiled underwear.

    Could it be true? Their perfect computers now quite vulnerable.

    Ya gotta love it...the slap of reality :) :) :)

    east asia map quiz. North+africa+map+quiz
  • North+africa+map+quiz

  • tigress666
    Apr 9, 11:43 AM
    Wait? There's no need to wait. You are doing yourself a disservice. Do yourself a favor. Go to one of your friends houses, one with a PS3 or Xbox and at least a 37 inch TV. Play Assassin's Creed or Prince of Persia. Come back and tell us what's the difference.

    Yeah, of course there is a difference on a console. I thought we were comparing hand helds. And I'm not claiming the iphone is the best experience for a lot of games (notice that I've pretty much said that PoP and Assassin's Creed would do better with buttons but for my purposes it's still fun on touchscreen).

    I'm not claiming I'm some sort of hard core gamer.

    But what I am claiming, is that there are *good* games on the iphone that are more than just "timewasters" (Well, honestly, any game is a "timewaster" if you think about it. Do you really think you do anything productive when you game? No. You do it for fun in your free time). But there are games that you can get into and play for more than five minutes (stuff that isn't the Angry Birds type game). Games that have me put down my computer and actually focus on them for long periods of time. I'm really happy to see that happen more on the iphone. I love that Square has started putting games on (if you can't tell, they're one of my favorite game makers ;). But Gameloft has started getting my love too).

    That's what I'm saying.

    Let me watch you play those on the subway. This is all about portable gaming.

    Pretty much. It's kinda stupid to compare the iphone to a PS3 or Xbox. That's apples and oranges. No handheld is going to compare to something like that, if nothing else for having a large screen and a controller that really is designed to be a controller (and not a controller and a screen in one. No handheld can be as easy to use as a controller as a dedicated controller, which btw, I totally prefer the Playstation's/Playstation 2 controller. That was the most ergonomic controller I've experienced but I haven't had a console since the PS2. It's about as much difference in experience as a touch screen vs. buttons really. I always find handheld games are more awkward to control and have my hands cramp up. But the point of them is portability so you do make compromises).

    True, some iPad/iPhone games are "casual time wasters" but there are also some FANTASTIC games. Dead Space iOS is fantastic and guess what, ITS WAS 10 DOLLARS. True, its not as good as the console versions, but those sold for 60 DOLLARS.

    And this is exactly what I'm trying to say :).

    Apr 15, 09:37 AM
    This is an excellent initiative. Bullying goes on beyond high school and college too. You see it everywhere. There are parts of our cities where it's just unsafe for any of them to go walking alone, just because of how their sexuality is perceived by the ignorant and thuggish class. I think that's sad - clearly there's still a long road ahead.

    Good on Apple employees - and all others who partnered in this initiative - for speaking up.

    Maybe the next generation will be the one that shrugs its shoulders when discussion of sexual orientation comes up, like it's no big deal, because no one really sees it as a major social issue anymore. Maybe then the bullying will stop, having lost a target.

    Apr 22, 11:44 PM
    I disagree.

    For a start atheism (ass I see it) is not a belief system, I don't even like to use the term atheist because it grants religion(s) a much higher status than I think it deserves. The term atheism gives the impression that I have purposefully decided NOT to believe in god or religion

    I have not chosen not to believe in god or god(s). I just have no reason to believe that they exist because I have seen nothing which suggests their existence.

    I don't claim to understand how the universe/matter/energy/life came to be, but the ancient Greeks didn't understand lighting. The fact that they didn't understand lighting made Zeus no more real and electricity no less real. The fact that I do not understand abiogenesis (the formation of living matter from non living matter) does not mean that it is beyond understanding.

    The fact that there is much currently beyond the scope of human understanding in no way suggests the existence of god.

    In much the same way that one's inability to see through a closed door doesn't suggest that the room beyond is filled with leprechauns.

    A lack of information does not arbitrarily suggest the nature of the lacking knowledge. Any speculation which isn't based upon available information is simply meaningless speculation, nothing more.

    I don't think atheism is a belief system, but it requires belief. Not believing in a god requires believing there isn't a god. You could say I'm just twisting words there.

    I agree on all your points. I just can't bring myself to completely deny the existence of god, not through fear, but through fear.. of insulting my own intelligence. We can't prove god exists or doesn't exist, it seems impossible that we ever will. So I don't deny the existence of god, I do think it's unlikely and illogical, hence why I lean towards atheism (agnostic atheist).

    Apr 21, 05:38 AM
    ...so anyway, back to the conference call.

    Apple sold nearly 5 million iPads last quarter... now this sounds good to me, why are the media reporting this as "disappointing." Am I missing something here? Surely this should be at least "pretty good."

    (EDIT: sorry I'm in the wrong post!)

    Apr 26, 05:41 PM
    I could murder some toast.

    Lara F
    May 5, 01:53 PM
    Funny bit of irony - I went to Lake Placid NY for a sports competition last fall where a main sponsor was AT&T - logo on the side of the boards, booth set up etc.

    Tower went down second day and there was zero service for 24h. :o

    Now that AT&T offers a Canada plan with no extra long-distance fees, I may actually start talking on my iPhone for more extensive periods of time. Should be interesting to compare with Verizon...so far my frustration in NYC has been more over unavailable/slow internet connection than dropped calls.

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