суббота, 14 мая 2011 г.

april 2011 calendar canada

april 2011 calendar canada. april 2011 calendar canada.
  • april 2011 calendar canada.

  • Cutwolf
    Mar 18, 01:35 PM
    There are quite a lot of people in this thread who sound like AT&T employees trying to add to the scare tactics.

    The cheapest and most efficient way for AT&T to "detect" tethering would be to monitor data usage and accuse high data users. They anticipate a lot of them will be uneducated and believe they have really been caught and switch to the official tethering plan (losing their unlimited, which I believe is AT&T ultimate goal here), or will simply ignore the text and they can automatically switch them, accomplishing the same thing.

    If AT&T accuses you, and you refuse to switch to the new plan and claim you're not tethering, and they switch you anyway, you'd almost certainly be entitled to cancel with no ETF, legally at least. Particularly if they refused to do anything more than say "we suspect you are tethering" without providing any support.

    To be fair, AT&T contract does say they can modify or terminate your account if the simply believe you are tethering, but no court would hold that belief, without a legitimate basis, is grounds for modification or termination, and it's hard to believe that 20 gb of data usage in a month would be a legitimate basis for that belief (those who are reaching ridiculous numbers like 50+ might be a different story.

    My take (law student with no tech background): if they accuse you and send you the message, call them and play dumb and say you do a lot of streaming. If they buy it, great. If they end up switching you anyway, or forcing you to switch, you can presumably get out of the contract with no ETF. If this fails, and you have money to blow to prove a point, you can probably seek an injunction preventing AT&T from altering your contract, or a declaratory judgment that the contract permits you to get out of it without an ETF in this circumstance.

    Odds are that AT&T would be unlikely to show up for any lawsuit filed by an individual over a few hundred bucks, which would entitle you to both the ETF and your legal fees.

    Granted, I'm a student not yet a practitioner, so all of this should be taken with several grains of salt. Additionally, none of this should be construed to constitute legal advice.

    april 2011 calendar canada. october 2011 calendar canada
  • october 2011 calendar canada

  • Sodner
    Mar 18, 08:44 AM
    Get em AT&T. Bust them all. Hold them to the contracts they signed. Fine them, cancel them, jail them. Do what's in your right per the contract to punish all the theives.

    april 2011 calendar canada. april 2011 calendar canada.
  • april 2011 calendar canada.

  • aristobrat
    Mar 18, 09:37 AM
    What contract did I physically sigm when I got my phone? The only thing I signed was a credit card receipt.
    Where'd you buy your iPhone?

    april 2011 calendar canada. july 2011 calendar canada.
  • july 2011 calendar canada.

  • twoodcc
    Sep 26, 01:36 PM
    well i might be getting a mac pro soon (not sure yet)

    but if i do, my question is when will we see an 8-core mac pro?

    april 2011 calendar canada. April+2011+calendar+canada
  • April+2011+calendar+canada

  • rasmasyean
    Mar 11, 10:17 PM
    Wikipedia seems to be kept up to date. If you have something new, maybe you guys can add it to this...if someone didn't beat you to it. ;)


    april 2011 calendar canada. april 2011 calendar canada.
  • april 2011 calendar canada.

  • Michaelgtrusa
    Mar 13, 12:47 PM
    More people have died in hydroelectric or coal generated power production. Nuclear is relatively safe and clean.

    ...but if a coal plant blows it's over soon, if a nuke plant blows it's over in 250 thousand years.

    april 2011 calendar canada. april 2011 calendar canada.
  • april 2011 calendar canada.

  • leftPCbehind209
    Apr 12, 10:25 PM
    Does anyone know if the new FC will take AVCHD files natively as Premiere CS5 does?

    april 2011 calendar canada. Number four april calendar pgl
  • Number four april calendar pgl

  • the Rebel
    Mar 20, 10:15 PM
    I do agree that it is effectively the break of a promise. Hell, it's the breaking of a contract... which is certainly quite wrong. But what if you believe the original terms and conditions to be morally wrong in themselves?

    If you believe the original terms are morally wrong, then you should never agree to abide by them. Once you choose to agree to the terms, then you are morally bound to abide by them.

    april 2011 calendar canada. april calendar 2011 canada.
  • april calendar 2011 canada.

  • IgnatiusTheKing
    Aug 23, 02:09 PM
    I almost never drop calls anymore.

    april 2011 calendar canada. april 2011 calendar canada.
  • april 2011 calendar canada.

  • Photics
    Apr 9, 09:53 PM
    Here is an easy way to explain it. You can heat a slice of bread in a toaster and a microwave oven. Are you going to say microwaves compeat with toasters now. When they do not heat bread the same way.

    That's a tough analogy, as it's true... microwaves and toasters can coexist. (Although, I don't have a microwave. It does strange things to pizza.) Yet, I don't think it's the same in the gaming world. Are iOS games really so different from other video games?

    The only thing really lacking is a decent controller. There are so many ways to resolve this.

    Example... put a motion sensing camera on the Apple TV. That $100-$150 box could be used for FaceTime and video games. I think that would be very popular.

    Another Example... the remote control for the Apple TV could be expanded into a controller.

    Yet Another Example... one iOS device can be used to control another. This technology is already in play.

    I can't see how Apple making a Bluetooth controller, which, say looked a bit like a PS3/360 controller, and selling it as an optional accessory could be in any way a negative thing.

    The negativity that I see is if it's an unsupported accessory. What if customers don't go out and buy it? What if developers don't modify their games to support it? There are lots of failed game accessories out there. While I doubt Apple will release the next Nintendo Power Glove, a goofy looking controller � like the PlayStation move � could be harmful to iOS gaming.

    april 2011 calendar canada. 2011 calendar canada. april
  • 2011 calendar canada. april

  • calvin66
    Aug 29, 01:31 PM
    While I'm sure Apple and everyone else has a long way to go with regard to clean manufacturing practices, I'm not sold on Greenpeace's approach to the ratings.

    If you look at their scoring system, it is a compilation of Greenpeace's subjective evaluation of a variety of practices by each company. Much of what Dell gets credit for is timelines for changing its business practices, and openness with regard to information on hazardous substances in the manufacturing process. When you look at what they are doing (rather than what they are saying), Dell and Apple score the same--a +2 (partially good) on amounts recycled, and a 0 (bad) for PVC & BFR free products. The report doesn't say how it quantifies these rankings, nor the underlying data regarding the score....which is kinda funny given their harping on full disclosure for all the companies mentioned.

    It turns out Greenpeace is like everybody else--manipulating the data to support its goals. It sure doesn't help their credibility.

    april 2011 calendar canada. 33rd Annual STUDY CANADA
  • 33rd Annual STUDY CANADA

  • alent1234
    Aug 25, 12:24 PM
    Another fallout from terrible AT&T service is that in many shops and restaurants, at least in the San Francisco area, and especially Berkeley, you can't check in using location services like Foursquare or Facebook Places since there isn't adequate coverage- eg: no service, no signal etc.

    That's bad for business.

    Merchants too should press AT&T and local authorities for more towers and better connections.

    SJ said it takes 2 years to build a cell tower in the bay area. compared to something like 6 months in texas

    april 2011 calendar canada. august 2011 calendar canada.
  • august 2011 calendar canada.

  • citizenzen
    Apr 26, 07:36 PM
    Munchies aside, miracle cures of old are likely misdiagnosis.

    It's quite possible they are "miraculous" recoveries. "Miraculous' as in exceedingly rare. Gabrielle Giffords survived a point-blank gunshot to the head. Is that the work of divine intervention? Or is it simply a matter that if you shot a number of people in the head, a very small fraction would survive? Likewise, among the millions of people with cancer, it shouldn't come as a surprise to find a small fraction that beat the odds to make a remarkable recovery. If Purell kills 99.99% of bacteria, does that make the .01% of survivors "miracles"?

    april 2011 calendar canada. october 2011 calendar canada.
  • october 2011 calendar canada.

  • ChrisA
    Sep 26, 12:08 PM
    What incentive does anyone ever have to buy if they keep announcing new chips?

    What incentive? Money. If you need to get some work out to a client you need to have some kind of computer. For example we bought a new Dual Xeon system with 4GB RAM and a set of SCSI disks because the old box was "way slow" now I can do many more Build/Test/Debug cycles every day. Yes there are now even faster boxes but I've gotten much more work done that had we waited would not have gotten done. The $4500 computer paid for it self rather quickly

    On the other hand if a computer is to be used as a game console and media player you can never justify the price. It's just a toy and you buy it with "disposable" income with no hope of a return on the investment

    But most of these Mac Pros are sold to people who at least hope to make more money with the machine than they spent for it. So for most users waiting is simply to expensive.

    Also solid state drives are needed to properly service the I/O needs. Why NOT put a solid state SATA drive in one slot on a MacPro so you can use it for a swap space?

    How many "page outs" per second does your system do? If you have enough RAM not many. Even those few writes DO go into RAM. There is likey a large RAM cache built into the disk drive. As for "page ins" they mostly come from your Applcations Folder, not the swap space. Mac OSX is smart enough to know that it does not need to write RAM pages to swap space if the RAM page contains only executable code. If you want to make the system go faster you would put your applactions in the solid state SATA so as to speed up page ins. But if space is limited a better way would be to put only the applactions you are currently using in the solid state SATA but to go even faster why not skip the bottleneck of the SATA interface and put the RAM that would have gone into the solid state SATA on your system bus. This is what modern computers do. They maintain a RAM cache of the disk(s). With the data (cache of the disk) in system RAM it need not even move. The OS simply does some "magic" with mapping registers and the data appera to move without need of any physical copy. A write to a register is more than 1000 times faster then moving data off a sold state SAYA drive.

    The ONLY cases where a solid state SATA disk could improve performance is (1) if you have already maxed out the computer's system RAM and need to add even more. So either your Mac Pro is at 16MB or you imac is at 3GB and you need more. or (2) You have a huge abount of dta to process and you put the data in the solid state drive. This means the drive will be hugely expensive. Cheaper to use something like a SAN storage.

    april 2011 calendar canada. april 2011 calendar canada.
  • april 2011 calendar canada.

  • jazzkids
    May 6, 08:56 PM
    Hopefully someone at ATT will read these posts! In the same boat, last 3-4 weeks been getting worse in R.I.

    april 2011 calendar canada. printable april 2011 calendar
  • printable april 2011 calendar

  • eawmp1
    Apr 22, 09:43 PM
    According to the poll which I linked earlier (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1055916&highlight=), about 65% of us are atheist or agnostic.

    You're assuming truthful answers.
    Potential confounding variables still stand.

    april 2011 calendar canada. BLANK CALENDAR TEMPLATE 2011

  • appleguy123
    Apr 22, 10:42 PM
    I'm not referring to my beliefs, nor am I interested in discussing them. I'm simply curious if there are specifically identifiable elements of religion as we know it that is uniquely off-putting to so many people. I'm trying to understand what makes it so detestable to some.
    My objection to religion is faith. Nothing more, nothing less.
    I think that accepting demonstrably stupid claims( virgin birth, transubtansiation, creationism) on blind faith. These claims are huge and should be supported with huge amount of evidence for people to be expected to stake their afterlife on them.

    april 2011 calendar canada. April 2011 Calendar Canada
  • April 2011 Calendar Canada

  • econgeek
    Apr 12, 11:07 PM
    I can't even believe I was arguing with someone who things that magic bullet and Color are even remotely the same thing.

    Goodnight, junior.

    I can't believe there are people such as yourself with such a stark lack of integrity that you would lie about what I have said in order to insult me... and simultaneously lack the basic wisdom to recognize that quoting me saying what I actually said in the very message where you tell the lie makes the lie obvious to anyone with basic comprehension skills.

    I mentioned the likelihood of a plugin system that would allow grading, and I mentioned magic bullet:

    I never said that it and color were "the same", I just gave it as an example of something, like Color, that could be integrated into the app workflow via a plugin architecture. I never made a comparison between them, not that comparing a color grading tool like color to magic bullet looks, which is a color grading tool, is all that radical a notion-- if I had made the comparison.

    I'm amazed, if this stark lack of basic integrity and honesty, isn't just you hiding behind an alias online, that you could ever maintain gainful employment acting this way.

    You owe me an apology.

    april 2011 calendar canada. April 2011 Calendar Canada
  • April 2011 Calendar Canada

  • PghLondon
    Apr 28, 11:19 AM
    But� 3.5% mac market share which includes stupid iPads as computers is pretty dismal (laughable even). As an enterprise user of macs I find that pretty embarrassing and quite telling of where OSX really stands in the grand scheme of things.
    But a pitiful 3.5%? Absolutely mind-boggling.

    Where are you getting 3.5% from? It's higher than that without counting iPad.

    Apr 9, 04:29 PM
    Real gamers won't use apple gear (for gaming at least). I don't really like the online game craze. You can't borrow games from friends or even trade them (yeah more profit for the industry).

    Since my game pc died I've bought an psp to play a few games once in a while, and not an ipod touch since it doesn't have any friggin' buttons in it. And macs just suck too much at gaming (looking at toasty imacs), in here the only thing that keeps kids wanting an iDevice it's because it's cool and having an apple thing means that your either an hipster or an rich (or broke with lots of debts).

    Long live the moments of the game boy, hell I still play some game boy games in my psp with an emulator:D

    Apple OC
    Apr 23, 02:23 AM
    The six creative "days" occurred after the creation of the "heavens and the earth." That means the universe (and the earth) was in existence for an indefinite amount of time before the creative days began.

    The word translated "day" can mean various lengths of time, not just a 24-hour period. Genesis 2:4 refers to God creating the "heavens and the earth" in a single day, yet Exodus 20:11 says it took six days to create the "heavens and the earth." By calling light day and darkness night, it's actually showing that only a portion of a 24-hour period is defined by the term "day." When the sun comes up at your house and then goes down, does that equal an entire day, lasting 24 hours? Psalms 90:4 says that a thousand years to man is merely a day to humans. So how can you logically conclude that the term "day" is strictly indicating a 24-hour period?

    sounds a little conflicting ... I write it off as jibberish ... I'll stick with science instead

    Mar 13, 02:09 PM
    But how do you proponents of nuclear power discount the very real risks it poses to mankind itself? War and terrorism especially. HUGE accident(s) waiting to happen.

    If you choose not to have nuclear power, you're choosing to have oil - and all the problems that brings with it.

    I can't recall a war fought over nuclear power, but we're living through one driven by our need to access cheap oil (http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/article2461214.ece).

    Do you think that our heavy handed approach to Persian Gulf politics increases or decreases the threat of terrorism? Although we've been keen to see regime change in Egypt and Libya, there's no way we'll assist any sort of change in Saudi - since we need the oil. Yet most of the 9/11 hijackers were disaffected Saudi men! (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hijackers_in_the_September_11_attacks)

    So I think your argument that nuclear power increases the threat of terrorism and war is naive, given that the only other option is oil - which most definitely does!

    May 2, 11:36 AM
    4. Run a Spotlight search for "MACDefender" to check for any associated files that might still be lingering

    That's a sure way *not* to find any related files.
    The only effective method for complete app removal is manual deletion:
    Best way to FULLY DELETE a program (http://forums.macrumors.com/showpost.php?p=11171082&postcount=16)
    One thing Macs need anti-virus is to scan mails for Windows viruses, so that those doesn't to you PC. That is all.
    That doesn't protect Windows PCs from malware from other sources, which is a far greater threat than receiving files from a Mac. Each Windows user should be running their own anti-virus, to protect them from malware from all sources.
    Yes so much. Because Malware can copy itself and infect a computer.
    No, only a virus can do that. A trojan requires user involvement to spread.
    So few virus for MAC than when one appears it is news... :)
    This isn't a virus.
    Mac OS X fanboys really need to stop clinging to the mentality that "viruses" don't exist for OS X and that "malware" is a Windows-only problem.
    I agree. While no Mac OS X viruses exist at this time, that doesn't mean they won't in the future. And malware has always been a threat. What's important is to understand the kinds of threats and the most effective methods for protection.

    The fact is, the days of viruses are long gone.
    I wouldn't go so far as to say that. Just when you do, someone will release a new virus into the wild. While they may not be as prevalent as they once were, they're by no means extinct.

    The fact is, understanding the proper terminology and different payloads and impacts of the different types of malware prevents unnecessary panic and promotes a proper security strategy.

    I'd say it's people that try to just lump all malware together in the same category, making a trojan that relies on social engineering sound as bad as a self-replicating worm that spreads using a remote execution/privilege escalation bug that are quite ignorant of general computer security.
    The best defense a Mac user has against current malware threats is education and common sense. Understanding the basic differences between a virus, trojan, worm, and other types of malware will help a user defend against them. Doing simple things like unchecking the "Open "safe" files after downloading" option is quite effective.

    I despise the "X is a file downloaded from the Internet" dialog introduced in SL. Really wish you could disable it.
    That's one of the simple lines of defense for a user, as it lets them know they're about to open a newly-downloaded app. It only does that the first time you launch the app, so why bother disabling such a helpful reminder?
    To the end user it makes no difference. It's fine if you know, but to a novice quickly correcting them on the difference between a virus, a trojan, or whatever else contributes approximately zero percent towards solving the problem.
    Actually, it helps a user to have some understanding about malware. Part of the problem is a novice user is likely to engage in dangerous activities, such as installing pirated software, unless they know what a trojan is and how it infects a system. Also, understanding what a virus is, how it spreads, and the fact that none exist for Mac OS X will prevent them from instantly assuming that everything unexpected that happens on their Mac is the result of a virus. Also, understanding that antivirus apps can't detect a virus that doesn't yet exist will prevent them from installing AV and having a false sense of security, thinking they're immune to threats. Educating a user goes a very long way in protecting them, by teaching them to practice safe computing habits.

    Mac Virus/Malware Info (http://forums.macrumors.com/showpost.php?p=9400648&postcount=4)

    Mar 15, 07:38 AM
    nuclear power hadn't got a long term future in germany before this event though. the discussion is only about the running time of existing nuclear plants (after all 6 reactors were originally destined to be shut down originally in the 2010-2013 time frame)

    the politicking here will be that after the elections the reactors will be turned _on_ again .. against the will of the voting population

    That's a failure of the German politicians to make a case for nuclear power there (although I imagine that Germany has good potential for hydropower and other renewables).

    I think that the opposite could be said for the UK. Over the last few years opinion has turned more pro nuclear. In contrast to Merkel, Cameron turned the Japanese situation into a positive - saying that the UK could 'learn lessons' and make nuclear even safer.

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